whatever else you can think of-and that is exactly the problem, it will only ever do exactly what the author could think of, and maybe 1 or 2 things bey7ond
Most basic (and banal) would be a photoshop filter (or aftereffects, in case of video) with a few easy to use options that reproduce various types of error-induced glitch artifacts:: shifting/doubling of RGB channels, search/replace on common byte sequences/RGB triplets, scanline pitch skew, 8x8 JPG block bitter-flipper-messer-uppers, etc. LET's imagine the various forms such a tool could take shape Isn't it the discovery of the u nexpected that makes this form of art so worthwhile? Isn't part of gl!tch the accidental nature of the effect, like a digital 'found art' ?
While I'm usually all for creating and building tools to help out the less technically-inclined, I have some reservations wrt datam0shing/glitch art